Since 2016 ESFRI has introduced in its Roadmaps Landscape Analysis (LA). It provides an overview of the European RI ecosystem by identifying the main RIs operating transnational access in Europe, in all fields of research and major new or ongoing projects, as well as an outlook on the global landscape of relevance. The Landscape Analysis has progressively (2018, 2021) evolved into a more complete and strategic document including trend analysis and the first examples of RIs services and their impacts in specific areas.
In order to underline the strategic relevance of the Landscape Analysis, ESFRI has decided to de-couple the LA from the Roadmap. To be published in 2023, it must provide the framework for the next ESFRI roadmap, contribute to the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, promote the development of new research infrastructure services, including, when needed, infrastructure clustering for pan-European thematic or interdisciplinary services and foster RIs’ contribution to the implementation of European Missions.
To reach this level of ambition, the LA will provide a more consolidated gap analysis based on user needs. It should cover the different domains and multiple dimensions across the domains and also include the evolution of needs to identify priorities for future developments. It will include RIs services, technology, instrumentation, and data aspects, as well as societal and economic impact. Furthermore, it should cover national, European and global scales.
To prepare such an ambitious report, ESFRI needs the input of the community of Research Infrastructures (RIs). RIs are therefore kindly asked to fill in the online questionnaire, where information about the current status, trends and future developments, as well as impact, is collected. To fill in the questionnaire, please login to ESFRI MoS (https://mos.esfri.eu), visit the “Assigned Questionnaires” page and click on the “ESFRI Landscape Analysis Questionnaire for RIs” questionnaire.
You will receive an email from the system notifying you about the opening of the questionnaire.
We kindly ask you to submit your responses by April 7, 2023.
If you want to preview the questionnaire in pdf format, you can download it from: Questionnaire for RIs
Please email landscape@esfri.eu with any questions you may have on the process.